Fashion and the enviroment
The most people like buying a lot of clothes not only because they like them , but because they are very cheap . But clothes affect a lot the environment and the people .
To make clothes are used a lot of toxic substances which are responsible for ilnesses like cancer . Also , they polute the environment and the ecosystem . The factories use a lot of energy and they produce carbon dioxide . The mostclothes are made in Asian and are brought to the shops in Europe . The vehicles use a lot of petrol and make very much gas . Also , to clean , dry and iron the clothes is need much energy so fashion lets a big carbon footprint . When we throw clothes away they polute the atmosphere . Also , many times the people who work in the factories don't work in a good situation . There also work a lot of children .
For that issue we can do a lot things . At first to don't buy so much clothes if we don't need them and give them to people who need them . Also , we can recycle them and buy second-hand clothes . We can help compaigns about this issue like "Greenpeace" . If we do these things we will have a better and green future.
The most people like buying a lot of clothes not only because they like them , but because they are very cheap . But clothes affect a lot the environment and the people .
To make clothes are used a lot of toxic substances which are responsible for ilnesses like cancer . Also , they polute the environment and the ecosystem . The factories use a lot of energy and they produce carbon dioxide . The mostclothes are made in Asian and are brought to the shops in Europe . The vehicles use a lot of petrol and make very much gas . Also , to clean , dry and iron the clothes is need much energy so fashion lets a big carbon footprint . When we throw clothes away they polute the atmosphere . Also , many times the people who work in the factories don't work in a good situation . There also work a lot of children .
For that issue we can do a lot things . At first to don't buy so much clothes if we don't need them and give them to people who need them . Also , we can recycle them and buy second-hand clothes . We can help compaigns about this issue like "Greenpeace" . If we do these things we will have a better and green future.
Hello Mersina,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήYou've really thought about the issue and wrote lots of details - brilliant. Great use of language too. Here are a couple of errors for you to think about:
Better to say "Most people..." instead of "The most people...", and "but clothes affect the environment a lot" not "clothes affect a lot the environment" (word order), and again, word order here: "to make clothes a lot of toxic substances are used" not "to make clothes are used...", and also we say "leave a carbon footprint".
And yes if we do the things you say we will definitely have a better and greener future!
Well done :)
Miss Melissa