Fashion and the enviroment!
Everybody likes fashion,but no one ever thought about the consequences to the enviroment...Clothes are traveling with big ships until they come here, to shops like ''Zara'', ''Pull and Bear'' , ''Bershka'' and many other.When those ships pass through the sea a lots of fishes die because of the pullution.So maybe,we should n't buy so many clothes which are coming from countries far away from our, just to stop the pullution of the sea and athor issus that they cause.We feel really sad and we want this thing to stop!

Hi Nefeli and Athina,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήGood post! Love the use of images. Agree with everything you say! It's good to know though that as the people who buy clothes we really can make a diference by limiting the amounts we buy.
Noticed a couple of minor errors: "should n't - shouldn't" (one word), fishes - fish (we don't normally pluralise fish) and also you have two places where you've used present continuous where it should have been present simple (for general actions): "Clothes are travelling..." and "clothes which are coming...".
Great job. Well done :)
Miss Melissa